Balance Creative

So, you’ve made the move to increase your digital marketing footprint. You have the desire, the new website, ideas for the kinds of content you want to share — you’ve even created some of that great content. Good for you. Now, what are you going to do with it?

Even if you have great content that delivers real and relevant value to your target audience, there’s another critical element to this marketing equation – promoting the content and yourself. Blatant self-promotion!

There are many ways you can start to get your content out there, but nothing is more impactful than social media.

Social Media Marketing
The best (and most affordable) way to promote your content (and yourself) is through social media channels like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and even YouTube. When you are doing that free on those platforms, that is called organic content. You can, of course, always pay for your content to be “boosted” and reach even more people who align with your business goals. Which channel is right for you? Well, go back to the process of identifying your ideal audience. Where are they? What are they engaging with? Honestly, not every social media platform works well for every small business. Determine the tone and context of your content. Is it more informational, long-form copy? Maybe LinkedIn or blogs are for you. Is it more visual and emotional? Instagram could be perfect. Do you want to share video content and quick bursts of info? Look at Facebook and YouTube.

Of course, when you have social media channels — the goal is to get as many eyeballs on those as possible. The goal is to always grow your followers as best you can. The best way to reach and maintain a customer following is by getting their attention with helpful content — that helps them solve a problem or helps the with a pain point they may currently have. Be the solution they come to rely on. 

I’m not going to lie… it takes time, energy, and commitment to share regularly on social media.

Also, as I mentioned earlier… don’t forget the importance of story telling. That’s why blogs remain very relevant for small businesses today. Blog content is great for search engine optimization (SEO) when target keywords (that your customers search for) are included. Blogs help you rank higher in Google search queries and help your customers get to know you better.

If you have any questions or if we can help you get started on strategies to share your great content – reach out to us.